Why you should use mirr.OS one
mirr.OS Modules
mirr.OS has been developed from scratch and is now based on Ubuntu Core. This is the first time we used a core specifically designed for IoT applications and you benefit from significantly increased security for all your data, APIs and passwords.
The information refers to the earlier version of mirr.OS alone, not to mirr.OS one.
The setup and the use of mirr.OS including the modules is actually a piece of cake. If you still have problems, you can check out the tutorials here.
… and the most common answers.
ssh pi@your.ip.address
User: pi
Password: glancr!2017
If this still didn’t work, check if you really entered a correct mail address (spaces, mistyping etc.)
If everything has been entered correctly, please connect a keyboard via USB and switch to the console with the key combination Ctrl+Alt+F1.
Log in there (User: pi / PW: glancr!2017)
type in service dnsmasq status
if the status is “active”, with the command
sudo systemctl disable dnsmasq
and restart mirr.OS with sudo reboot
Connect to your Pi via SSH. Via command
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
you can change the line “Display Rotate”. More info. Save and restart. Done.
From version 0.7.8 it is possible to override the CSS rules in a simple way. It works like this:
Done. Reload the output on the mirror once via the configuration interface.
In the folder /var/www/custom/ you can also load your desired background image. Then write the following in the custom-styles.css:
body { background-image: url("mein-hintergundbild.jpg"); /* Zeile löschen, wenn nur Farbe gewünscht ist */ background-color: #cccccc; /* Farbwerte über Grafikprogramm finden */ }
Sometimes the images are too dominant and you can’t read the font of the modules well. Then you want to reduce the opacity of the image. This can be done with the specification “opacity”. The CSS would look like this:
body::after { content: ""; background: url(mein-hintergundbild.jpg); opacity: 0.5; /* hier die Deckkraft einstellen */ top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; position: absolute; z-index: -1; }
If you don’t want to upload an image, you can also enter a complete URL to an image on the Internet. Remember that the image should have a resolution like your display.
mirr.OS is configured to the resolution of 1920 – 1080 px to match the displays from our build instructions. Depending on the switching order, the Pi may not correctly detect the resolution of the connected monitor and then only output 800 – 600px. If your monitor has a different resolution, you can change this as follows.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
und framebuffer_height
Enter the resolution of your monitor there. Attention: portrait format, i.e. the larger number is the height. Only the pure number, no px behind it.sudo reboot