mirr.OS Operating system

Made for you and your Smart Mirror.

mirr.OS is designed to provide you with an operating system that you can use for your Smart Mirror, even if you are a technical layman. Since 2016, we’ve been putting a lot of effort into implementing thoughtful and helpful ideas for everyday life.

mirr.OS operating system
mirr.OS one works device-independently and is intuitive to use.
All widgets are integrated directly into mirr.OS one.
mirr.OS one is multimodular. Use your widgets where you want and as often as you want.

Sleek, safe and intuitive - mirr.OS one.

mirr.OS one is the latest version of the popular operating system. With it, you set up your Smart Mirror and configure it the way you want with your favorite widgets.

download and information of mirr.OS onelicenses mirr.OS one

Earlier versions

Maybe you are one of the early adopters and use one of our earlier trial versions. Earlier versions before mirr.OS are no longer under development. However, you can still download them here.

Earlier versions